QLFS: GNU must cut job-killing regulations now, demands FMF

FMF Press Release (Economy Growth Business 4)

13 August

Blaai af vir Afrikaanse weergawe.

Latest jobs numbers reveal that more needs to be done to boost employment in SA. 

The Free Market Foundation (FMF) calls on the new Government of National Unity (GNU) to cut job-killing regulations and lower the barriers to entry into South Africa’s labour market. This comes after Stats SA released its latest Quarterly Labour Force Survey on 13 August 2024.  

Millions of South Africans are currently being locked out of the labour market through harmful and overzealous labour laws and regulations that may benefit those who are already employed but consign the unemployed to near permanent joblessness. It is time for the GNU to wake up and take the plight of working-age South Africans seriously. 

“The solution to the jobs crisis is obvious to all except some in organised labour and affiliated members of government. The time has come however to look beyond their interests and deregulate the labour market in South Africa,” says Zakhele Mthembu, FMF Policy Officer. 

The FMF has long championed the Job Seekers Exemption Certificate (JSEC), which would enable prospective employees to voluntarily exempt themselves from rigid labour laws. This proposal, says the FMF, represents the most expedient and effective means by which to assist the chronically unemployed.  

The GNU Cabinet was made aware of the JSEC most recently with the launch of the FMF’s Liberty First policy agenda for the new government. 

“The time has come to recognise that employment relationships need not be inherently adversarial. Through the JSEC, those who are unemployed can finally take their first step on the employment ladder while employers can benefit from a more dynamic and flexible labour environment,” argues Mthembu. 

“For decades South Africans have had to endure grotesquely high levels of unemployment. The first real test of the effectiveness of the GNU is whether it can turn the policy tide on labour markets by removing the countless barriers to employment,” concludes Mthembu. 

Click here for a soundbite by Zakhele Mthembu.



QLFS: RNE moet nou vernietigende arbeidsregulasies sny, eis FMF 

13 Augustus

Scroll up for English version.

Die jongste werksyfers toon dat meer gedoen moet word om indiensneming in SA ‘n hupstoot te gee. 

Die Vryemarkstigting (FMF) doen ‘n beroep op die nuwe Regering van Nasionale Eenheid (RNE) om vernietigende arbeidsregulasies te sny en die hindernisse vir toetrede tot Suid-Afrika se arbeidsmark te verlaag. Dit kom nadat Statistiek Suid-Afrika sy jongste kwartaallikse arbeidsmagopname op 13 Augustus 2024 vrygestel het. 

Miljoene Suid-Afrikaners word tans uit die arbeidsmark gesluit deur skadelike en oorywerige arbeidswette en regulasies wat moontlik diegene bevoordeel wat reeds in diens is, maar die werkloses tot byna permanente werkloosheid oorlewer. Dit is tyd dat die RNE wakker word en die lot van Suid-Afrikaners van werkende ouderdom ernstig opneem. 

“Die oplossing vir die werkskrisis is voor die hand liggend vir almal behalwe sommige in georganiseerde arbeid en geaffilieerde lede van die regering. Die tyd het egter aangebreek om verby hul belange te kyk en die arbeidsmark in Suid-Afrika te dereguleer,” sê Zakhele Mthembu, FMF Beleidsbeampte. 

Die FMF staan al lank die Werksoekers-vrystellingsertifikaat (JSEC) voor, wat voornemende werknemers in staat sal stel om hulself vrywillig van rigiede arbeidswette vry te stel. Hierdie voorstel, sê die FMF, verteenwoordig die doeltreffendste manier om chronies werkloses by te staan.

Die RNE-kabinet is mees onlangs bewus gemaak van die JSEC met die bekendstelling van die FMF se Liberty First-beleidsagenda vir die nuwe regering.

“Die tyd het aangebreek om te erken dat diensverhoudings nie inherent vyandig hoef te wees nie. Deur die JSEC kan diegene wat werkloos is uiteindelik hul eerste tree op die indiensnemingsleer gee terwyl werkgewers kan baat by ’n meer dinamiese en buigsame arbeidsomgewing,” voer Mthembu aan. 

“Vir dekades lank moes Suid-Afrikaners grotesk hoë vlakke van werkloosheid verduur. Die eerste werklike toets van die doeltreffendheid van die RNE is of dit die beleidsgety op arbeidsmarkte kan keer deur die tallose hindernisse tot indiensneming te verwyder,” sluit Mthembu af. 

Klik hier vir ‘n Engelse klankgreep deur Zakhele Mthembu



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