The Free Market Foundation hosts various initiatives that operate semi-autonomously from the FMF in their respective fields.

The Rule of Law Project undertakes public-interest litigation and submits amicus curiae briefs in the South African courts in defence of the principle of limited government. It is presided over by the Rule of Law Panel, which comprises experts and scholars in the field of legal practice and legal philosophy.

Launched in 2013, the Khaya Lam Project, managed and assisted by project managers and conveyancers around the country, makes the principle of private property a practical reality, by ensuring that qualifying disadvantaged South Africans who live on plots formally owned by government receive title deeds to that property.

The Library of Liberalism in South Africa contains the foremost works on freedom and liberalism, and associated ideas, from South Africa and around the world, including a significant collection of books on the Austrian school of economics. The Library also maintains an online Encyclopaedia of Liberalism in South Africa.

Through its Section 12 Initiative, the Free Market Foundation and its Rule of Law Project seek to generate public pressure on the central and provincial governments elected in 2024 to take a new, fresh look at combating violence. 

The Free Market Foundation’s Campaign for Home Rule is raising awareness about and generating enthusiasm for political self-determination throughout South Africa.

Our Liberty First initiative is rooted in the belief that the path to prosperity is clear: countries with free markets, strong property rights, open trade, sound money, and limited government intervention are the most successful and offer the highest standards of living for all their citizens.