Expropriation and confiscation
Government is adopting a new approach to the lawful seizure of private property that enables it to do so much easier than before, and potentially without paying compensation. The Expropriation Bill in particular is one of the most pressing threats to freedom of enterprise and private property rights in South Africa. As such, it has unique potential to stand in the way of economic growth and investment. The FMF has long called for a more responsible, and less penal, approach to expropriation law.

FMF 2021 additional submission on Expropriation Bill
Since the Constitution’s public participation conditions have not been met, and since no compliant SEIA has been produced, we urge the Committee to refer the Bill back to the Department.

Free Market Foundation welcomes Donald Trump’s executive order
Donald Trump’s intervention should be cheered by all patriotic South Africans who care about private property rights, the rule of law, and a free market economy.