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1 March 2024
Press release
Immediate release
The Free Market Foundation (FMF) is pleased to announce that Gail Day, former Executive Manager and Chair of the Executive Committee, has returned to the FMF as its Head of Operations from 1 March 2024.
Day, who has recently completed a cycling tour from Morocco to Bulgaria, has been involved with the FMF in various capacities since 1987.
‘Gail Day’s appointment is perfectly timed. The FMF is expanding the scale and scope of its research and advocacy initiatives, which has seen our operational requirements increase as well. Gail’s energy, attention to detail and institutional memory will be a huge asset to the Foundation as we move from a period of consolidation to a period of growth,’ says David Ansara, CEO of the FMF.
‘What draws me back to the FMF?’ asks Day on her return. ‘The conviction that the classical liberal values it proposes and promotes, if implemented, will positively impact the lives of ordinary people. I want to be part of an organisation that offers hope for a better future.’
Between 2020 and 2022, Day was instrumental in stabilising the Foundation during a period when its operations and advocacy were disrupted not only by the South African government’s totalitarian lockdowns, but by malicious private parties who sought to do the FMF harm.
‘Gail was the FMF’s rock, ensuring that the institution continued to make the vital case for limited government, property rights, and personal freedom in the public discourse despite the internal ructions that befell it,’ says Martin van Staden, FMF Head of Policy and Deputy Chair of the Executive Committee.
In March 2023, the FMF renamed its Free Market Foundation Award to the Gail Day Unsung Heroes Award in recognition of the hard work not only of Day, but of what she has always represented: working tirelessly for freedom, behind the scenes, in a fashion that largely goes publicly unacknowledged.
Press enquiries
Anneke Burns
FMF Publicist
071 423 0079 |
Gail Day, FMF administratiewe outoriteit, keer terug na die Stigting as Operasionele Hoof
Scroll up for English version.
1 Maart 2024
Onmiddellike vrystelling
Die Vryemarkstigting (FMF) is verheug om aan te kondig dat Gail Day, voormalige Uitvoerende Bestuurder en Voorsitter van die Uitvoerende Komitee, vanaf 1 Maart 2024 terugkeer na die FMF as sy Operasionele Hoof.
Day, wat onlangs ‘n fietstoer vanaf Marokko na Bulgare voltooi het, is sedert 1987 in verskeie kapasiteite by die FMF betrokke.
‘Gail Day se aanstelling val op ‘n ideale tyd. Die FMF brei die omvang en reikwydte van sy navorsings- en beleidsisiatiewe uit, wat tot gevolg gehad het dat ons operasionele vereistes ook toegeneem het. Gail se energie, aandag aan detail, en institusionele geheue sal ‘n groot bate wees vir die Stigting terwyl ons beweeg van ‘n tydperk van konsolidasie na ‘n tydperk van groei,’ sê David Ansara, Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte van die FMF.
‘Wat trek my terug na die FMF?’ vra Day met haar terugkeer. ‘Die oortuiging dat die klassiek-liberale waardes wat dit bevorder, indien geïmplementeer, ‘n positiewe impak sal hê op die lewens van gewone mense. Ek wil deel wees van ‘n organisasie wat hoop bied vir ‘n beter toekoms.’
Tussen 2020 en 2022 was Day instrumenteel in die stabilisering van die Stigting gedurende ‘n tydperk toe sy bedrywighede nie net deur die totalitêre inperkings van die Suid-Afrikaanse regering versteur is nie, maar deur boosaardige privaat partye wat die FMF kwaad wou doen.
‘Gail was die FMF se rots, wat verseker het dat die instelling voortgegaan het om die noodsaaklike saak vir beperkte staatsmag, eiendomsregte, en persoonlike vryheid in die openbare diskoers te maak ten spyte van die interne onluste wat dit getref het,’ sê Martin van Staden, FMF Beleidshoof en Ondervoorsitter van die Uitvoerende Komitee.
In Maart 2023 het die FMF sy Free Market Foundation Award hernoem na die Gail Day Unsung Heroes Award ter erkenning van die harde werk nie net van Day nie, maar van wat sy altyd verteenwoordig het: om onvermoeid vir vryheid te werk, agter die skerms, op ‘n manier wat grootliks in die openbaar nie erken word nie.
Anneke Burns
FMF Publisiteitsbeampte
071 423 0079 |