FMF tables Liberty First agenda as Parliament is set to open on 18 July

FMF Press Release (Growth Ownership Land 1)

17 July 2024

Blaai af vir Afrikaanse weergawe.

The Free Market Foundation (FMF) is in the process of circulating its policy agenda for the current parliamentary term to ministers, portfolio committee chairs, and other members of Parliament, as a guide to developing policy conducive to economic and social prosperity. 

The document, titled Liberty First: A Policy Agenda for South Africa’s 2024-2029 Parliamentary Term, calls for a reduction in the size of government, the promotion of free trade and private property rights, greater protection of the domestic currency, and a significant decrease in regulation. 

According to the FMF, both historical as well as recent examples of transitions to new governments have clearly shown that the success of a new regime is ultimately determined by the degree to which a change in personnel is accompanied by meaningful policy reform. 

‘One need only to contrast the outcomes of the two previous regimes in our own country to see that a mere changing of the guard will do little to promote prosperity and flourishing in our country,’ says Martin van Staden, Head of Policy at the FMF. ‘In fact, whether examining economic growth, unemployment, inflation, or almost any other metric, it is evident that the previous Ramaphosa administration performed similarly – if not worse – than its Zuma predecessor.’ 

The FMF asserts that the path towards prosperity for countries is not only accessible, but is, in fact, charted. Moreover, the FMF urges policymakers to recognise their role as facilitators of freedom and economic growth rather than the creators thereof. 

‘Bad policy will always yield bad results, regardless of who the policymaker is – happily the same holds true for good policy. Policymakers must realise that it is their duty to facilitate South Africans pursuing their own goals and that such a duty necessitates lesser rather than greater interference by state actors,’ continues Van Staden. 

‘It is not desirable for statists that the power of the state be curbed, but if we are to succeed, we must reject statism in favour of policy prescriptions that have been universally shown to enable people to thrive,’ concludes Van Staden. 

Click here to read Liberty First


Press inquiries

Anneke Burns
FMF Publicist
0714230079 |


FMF lê Liberty First-agenda ter tafel vir opening van Parlement op 18 Julie 

17 Julie 2024

Scroll up for English version.

Die Vryemarkstigting (FMF) is in die proses om sy beleidsagenda vir die huidige parlementêre termyn aan ministers, portefeuljekomiteevoorsitters, en ander lede van die Parlement, te sirkuleer, as ‘n riglyn vir die ontwikkeling van beleid wat bevorderlik is vir ekonomiese en maatskaplike welvaart. 

Die dokument, getiteld Liberty First: A Policy Agenda for South Africa’s 2024-2029 Parliamentary Term, vra vir ‘n vermindering in die grootte van die regering, die bevordering van vrye handel en private eiendomsreg, groter beskerming van die binnelandse geldeenheid, en ‘n beduidende besnoeing van regulering. 

Volgens die FMF het beide historiese sowel as onlangse voorbeelde van oorgange na nuwe regerings duidelik getoon dat die sukses van ‘n nuwe bestel uiteindelik bepaal word deur die mate waarin ‘n verandering in personeel met betekenisvolle beleidshervorming gepaard gaan. 

”n Mens hoef net die uitkomste van die twee vorige regimes in ons eie land te kontrasteer om te sien dat ‘n blote verandering van posbekleërs min sal doen om welvaart en fluorering in ons land te bevorder,’ sê Martin van Staden, Beleidshoof by die FMF. ‘Om die waarheid te sê, wanneer ekonomiese groei, werkloosheid, inflasie, of byna enige ander maatstaf ondersoek word, is dit duidelik dat die vorige Ramaphosa-administrasie soortgelyk – indien nie slegter nie – gevaar het as sy Zuma-voorganger.’ 

Die FMF beweer dat die pad na welvaart vir lande nie net toeganklik is nie, maar in werklikheid uitgestippel is. Die FMF moedig voorts beleidmakers aan om hul rol as fasiliteerders van vryheid en ekonomiese groei eerder as die skeppers daarvan te erken. 

‘Slegte beleid sal altyd slegte resultate lewer, ongeag wie die beleidmaker is – gelukkig geld dieselfde vir goeie beleid. Beleidmakers moet besef dat dit hul plig is om Suid-Afrikaners toe te laat om hul eie doelwitte na te streef en dat so ‘n plig minder eerder as groter inmenging deur staatsverteenwordigers noodsaak,’ gaan Van Staden voort. 

‘Dit is nie vir statiste wenslik dat die mag van die staat aan bande gelê word nie, maar as ons wil slaag, moet ons statisme verwerp ten gunste van beleidsvoorskrifte wat alom gewys is om mense in staat te stel om te floreer,’ sluit Van Staden af. 

Klik hier om Liberty First te lees. 



Anneke Burns
FMF Publisiteitsbeampte
0714230079 |


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