Consumer benefits in mergers – what is the missing focus?
Consumers are an afterthought in the consideration of mergers by the Competition Commission.
Consumers are an afterthought in the consideration of mergers by the Competition Commission.
Engaging in trade – a business transaction – such as buying items from a shopkeeper, is a harmless activity.
Even though we do not yet know the reasoning of the Tribunal as to why it blocked the merger between these two parties, we can be sure that its reasoning is premised on a failure on the part of the parties to satisfy one of the myriad requirements in section 12 of the Competition Act.
The danger of austerity that does not result in lowering taxes is that citizens continue paying high taxes for fewer services.
Rather than adopting a state monopoly like the NHI, the current system of public and private healthcare should be enhanced.
Markets, defined as people trading voluntarily, create prosperity. Throughout the world, less state intervention leads to richer populations.
The JSEC allows workers to choose to be exempt from certain provisions of SA’s various labour laws, allowing a South African to compete with the hypothetical immigrant on an even footing, without being inhibited by legislation.
What is called a state of workers is simply a state with incredible powers, controlled by a few men.
Due to non-harmful crimes being included in the statute book, resources are spent on prosecuting individuals whose actions are not harmful but are considered criminal for various reasons.
How does the Chinese government manage its economy? By embracing freer markets and principles related to voluntary trade.