Electricity transmission must be privatised
Profit-making companies don’t care about votes. They care about payment.
Profit-making companies don’t care about votes. They care about payment.
Eskom’s newfound competence has been due to its relative de-politicisation. Ideological and political meddling has been weakened.
This burning of diesel is unsustainable and not as efficient as dedicated, large power plants would be.
Martin van Staden was featured in MyBroadband on the FMF’s opposition to ‘load-limiting.’
Martin van Staden was featured in MyBroadband on the FMF’s opposition to ‘load-limiting.’
One of the virtues of the free market is that the incentive to produce a good is based on being paid. There is no political threat.
Martin van Staden was featured in Eskom News on transparency about the adoption of the loadshedding policy.
To remove potential conflict between Eskom and the entry of independent power producers (IPPs) the transmission grid should be owned and managed by an experienced independent grid management company.
Bringing in the private sector would also bring greater efficiency. Private parties have to make a profit. They cannot rely on gaining political control over taxes to make up for bad management at a company.
Across the board, privatisation will mean lower government spending, which will allow for a more responsible budget that can either redirect funds to more important projects (like policing) or ease the burden on the taxpayer.