All economic plans fail
The best way to create prosperity, is by simply allowing people to pursue it however they deem fit without violating the rights of one another.
The best way to create prosperity, is by simply allowing people to pursue it however they deem fit without violating the rights of one another.
The current nationalisation of South Africa’s private healthcare will therefore have tragic consequences that will negatively affect the lives of every individual and family that is forcefully deprived of control over their healthcare.
Smoking isn’t a real crime. It is bad for your health. But so is fast food, not exercising, and voting for the ANC.
It is safe to say that the South African state is failing at fulfilling their end of the responsibility. The crime rate and the conviction rate are a testament to this.
Trying to cope inordinately with many other non-violent, non-serious crimes clearly comes at the cost of deprioritizing crimes such as murders and rape.
Politicians pay lip service to fighting crime but put in no real effort to do so.
Refusing to enforce bad laws, equipping local bodies to solve local issues, and ignoring the whining of the ANC would go a long way to help the Western Cape gain some real, meaningful autonomy.
When resources are expended on policing behaviour that harms no one, resources are diverted away from those crimes that actually have victims.
Decentralising police will solve the problem of centralised rot infesting every police department. Local departments will be able to equip themselves with the resources and strategies needed to solve their particular issues.
That we over criminalise in this casual fashion means that a chilling effect is introduced into banking entrepreneurship.