How can SA survive and even profit from Trump?
Trump’s presidency doesn’t have to be a disaster for South Africa. It could be an opportunity for the country to improve its global standing.
Trump’s presidency doesn’t have to be a disaster for South Africa. It could be an opportunity for the country to improve its global standing.
Increasing the tax burden on South Africans, no matter how rich, will not help grow South Africa’s wealth. If anything, it will only shrink our growth prospects.
Allowing banks to perform tasks previously monopolised by Home Affairs has shown how effective public-private partnerships can be.
Initial pains have paid off, and Argentina has quickly fixed much of its economic malaise and is on the path to becoming a successful economy.
Profit-making companies don’t care about votes. They care about payment.
We need to end this fairy tale of solving all the world’s problems through chasing white whale taxpayers.
Protectionist, and what the government terms ‘localisation,’ policies hurt consumers and coddle industry.
The more friendly the investment environment, the wealthier the country.
Victims should not be required to pay a hefty amount in legal fees and wait an inordinate amount of time just to kick what amounts to a criminal trespasser from their land.
If the government is serious about balancing the budget, it needs to rein in the trade unions and start retrenching the bloat.