DA must push for autonomy in the Western Cape
Increased autonomy for the Western Cape would allow the DA to finally embark on many of the essential reforms it needs to solve local issues that the ANC has allowed to fester.
Increased autonomy for the Western Cape would allow the DA to finally embark on many of the essential reforms it needs to solve local issues that the ANC has allowed to fester.
The omens are not auspicious. The litany of faults and failures grows ever longer. The solutions suggested by our leaders are ever more fanciful.
It is clear that Apartheid wasn’t federal, and federalism won’t lead to Apartheid. Rather, the opposite may occur.
This article was first published by Daily Friend on 21 March 2024 As with many things, Cape independence divides liberal opinion. As someone who is sympathetic
The campaign is aimed at reviving South Africa’s old, proud, and increasingly relevant federalist tradition.
We believe that South Africa’s crises are caused by bad policy that emanates from the central government.
Refusing to enforce bad laws, equipping local bodies to solve local issues, and ignoring the whining of the ANC would go a long way to help the Western Cape gain some real, meaningful autonomy.
Victimless drug and vice offences should be put on the backburner, if not decriminalised or legalised outright.
This article was first published by Daily Friend on 8 February 2024 The municipal and provincial governments of Cape Town and the Western Cape, and the