Government is aiding consumption of capital stock
We cannot afford to engage in stimulus spending when we have such a consumption-based culture.
We cannot afford to engage in stimulus spending when we have such a consumption-based culture.
The contest for political power is the predominant narrative in the “democratic” west, and in many semi-democratic countries elsewhere.
Humanity collectively appeared to embrace the rejection of the insidious idea that one could justify abhorrent conduct by appealing to superior orders. And yet, in 2024, “they’re only doing their jobs” remains as accepted an excuse as ever.
South Africa cannot afford to entertain protectionism given its dire economic situation.
In reality the Tax Freedom Day varies from individual to individual.
The FMF was featured in Grocott’s Mail on its publication of Tax Freedom Day 2024.
South Africa is in the unfortunate position of having an ineffective but expensive government.
Martin van Staden was featured in Independent Online on the FMF’s publication of 2024’s Tax Freedom Day.
The Free Market Foundation (FMF) has calculated and published South Africa’s Tax Freedom Day annually since 1997.