National State Enterprises Bill is nonsensical
We really don’t want a sovereign wealth fund or centralised investment agency in this country. It would be looted of everything and be a fiscal blackhole.
We really don’t want a sovereign wealth fund or centralised investment agency in this country. It would be looted of everything and be a fiscal blackhole.
Allowing banks to perform tasks previously monopolised by Home Affairs has shown how effective public-private partnerships can be.
The FMF’s comprehensive Liberty First policy agenda for the new political order.
Profit-making companies don’t care about votes. They care about payment.
Zakhele Mthembu was featured in Daily Investor on the collapse of the Road Accident Fund.
Cutting public spending and embracing austerity doesn’t have to mean that South Africans must suffer.
The bigger the government, the more resources it feels compelled to extract from the productive sector of society.
Ekonomies gesproke, moet mens ook na die effek wat belasting op ekonomiese aktiwiteit uitoefen kyk.
Ons staan nou aan die einde van die eerste 100 dae van die RNE wat op 30 Junie gevorm is, wat beteken die wittebrood-periode is bykans verby.
Eskom’s newfound competence has been due to its relative de-politicisation. Ideological and political meddling has been weakened.