Increasing the tax burden won’t fix SA
Increasing the tax burden on South Africans, no matter how rich, will not help grow South Africa’s wealth. If anything, it will only shrink our growth prospects.
Increasing the tax burden on South Africans, no matter how rich, will not help grow South Africa’s wealth. If anything, it will only shrink our growth prospects.
Mauritius demonstrates how economic freedom can help create a thriving education system.
When government policies interfere in the discovery process, they prevent solutions to problems from emerging.
The unchecked authority of the Competition Commission has contributed to South Africa’s economic stagnation.
A wealth tax does not create opportunity; instead, it discourages wealth creation, investment, and economic activity.
The less dynamic labour regulations make the labour market, the fewer initiatives there would be to create jobs.
Prosperity comes from empowering individuals, not from expanding government control or giving more power to politicians.
Economic freedom enables individuals to make choices that fuel innovation, boost productivity, and improve personal well-being.
No army of bureaucrats can match the revelatory power of a free people interacting with one another.
David Ansara was featured in Engineering News on South Africa’s 2024 economic freedom ranking.