Countries with high economic freedom have better education
Mauritius demonstrates how economic freedom can help create a thriving education system.
Mauritius demonstrates how economic freedom can help create a thriving education system.
Such sidestepping communities give flashes of what SA could be with willing investors, entrepreneurs, space and a favourable climate.
David Ansara was featured on BizNews on the viability of the GNU to reform South Africa.
The GNU has not yet given us reason to believe that it will be making any substantive reforms during this term.
The FMF’s comprehensive Liberty First policy agenda for the new political order.
People who choose to stay in the city have increasingly fewer public spaces to turn to.
The recent spaza shop crackdown is just another in a long line of “feelgood,” emotional reactions by the political elite that harms the rule of law.
Achieving liberal policy ends has never (ever) been easy, and it is not going to start being easy now. It should not be easy.
Reforms for the GNU to improve the integrity of the legal system and respect for property rights.
It is difficult to maintain in South Africa that the state should provide – much less monopolise – any good or service, given its track record.