When you follow the money, look behind you
A big difference between a government’s treasury and its central bank is that there is no clear need for the central bank to exist.
A big difference between a government’s treasury and its central bank is that there is no clear need for the central bank to exist.
Modern Monetary Theorists (MMTers) use lots of technical jargon to conceal the asininity of their proposal.
MMTers employ all kinds of sophisms to try to hide the fact that deficits are indeed inflationary and therefore harmful to economies.
Reckless monetary policy is the kiss of death for any society. It should be a no-brainer that the GNU should take steps to insulate SA’s present and future from such a fate.
David Ansara was featured in Future Media on the FMF’s recommendations for fighting price inflation in South Africa.
David Ansara was featured in IT-Online on the FMF’s recommendations for fighting price inflation in South Africa.
David Ansara was featured in Politicsweb on the FMF’s recommendations for fighting price inflation in South Africa.
David Ansara was featured in Polity on the FMF’s recommendations for fighting price inflation in South Africa.
Our recommendations to the GNU focus on strengthening the independence of the Reserve Bank and recognising monetary choice and freedom.
Reforms for the GNU to improve the value of the rand and expand monetary freedom.