National State Enterprises Bill is nonsensical
We really don’t want a sovereign wealth fund or centralised investment agency in this country. It would be looted of everything and be a fiscal blackhole.
We really don’t want a sovereign wealth fund or centralised investment agency in this country. It would be looted of everything and be a fiscal blackhole.
Subsidised businesses seldom do well. And when they do perform well, it is because the subsidies tended to be unneeded.
Allowing banks to perform tasks previously monopolised by Home Affairs has shown how effective public-private partnerships can be.
The FMF was featured in Daily Investor on the proposed new Transformation Fund.
Envy has become a guiding principle in much of our politics and policymaking, not to inspire progress but to punish success.
People who choose to stay in the city have increasingly fewer public spaces to turn to.
If you dramatically raise the costs and regulatory burden of hiring domestic workers, and somehow enforce such a foolish notion, households will stop hiring domestic workers.
Eskom’s newfound competence has been due to its relative de-politicisation. Ideological and political meddling has been weakened.
Why should a private company, charity, or institution be denied participating in an enterprise that the government so far monopolises?
South Africa is not equipped to run a vast state-run natural resource mining enterprise. And it shouldn’t be.